Saturday, August 13, 2005


Gear - Update

Looking through our gear list, I noticed that alot of you are running in cotton-type baketball shorts. Let me say from experience that somewhere after the 4 mile mark (assuming you like me are a mild to grossly fat dude) you are very likely to get some chaffing going on your inner thighs. Putting something slick under your shorts can go along way to preventing this. I use either bike shorts or spandex. I have read that they have various kinds of lube (Body Glide is one type) but that just seemed goofy.

I also read that after 8 or so miles you can start to get the same problem under arm and even on your chest (nipples in particular). I have only gone over 8 a few times and never had any of that but we will see as we get higher in training.

my running shorts are the 'polyester type', not cotton.

modesty, i believe, will prevent me from ever wearing 'real' running shorts. They give me the creeps.
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