Monday, October 31, 2005


10 Miler Pics

Julio link

Chris link

Dan link

Kerrie link

Aliena link

Sunday, October 30, 2005


10 Miles Down

It looks like everyone made it which is awesome. I didn't get to stay and see everyone come across and have not checked in with anyone yet. I hope everyone feels better than I do today.

Here is my Garmin data (link). I felt great for the first 5.5 and started to notice my heartrate climbing around that point. The next 2.5 I tried to slow up a bit so as not to burn out completely and the last 2 were very, very tough. Admittedly, my training has been a little lax the last few weeks and 5 is the most I have gone in a long time.

I drank a total of about 1/4 bottle of gatorade and 1 large glass of water the morning of the race from the time I got up to the time we started. I had to stop and use the port-a-potty by the Krispy Kreme about 4.5 miles in. I only took water at the first station and skipped the other 3 though I can't recall why. I felt fine as far as hydration during the race but have some symptoms that day and the next that point to being a bit dehydrated. I think I might have been coming down with something the day before the race so that could explain it also.

I took the Carboom gel stuff at 4.5 which I think helped and also the one at like 9.3 which I don't think did much and seemed awfully late in the course to be passing it out. I would have killed for some around 7.5 or 8. Next race I will definitely carry some.

I didn't have any real pain or discomfort during but my knee started to hurt like a bastard as soon as I stopped. When describing the pain to my physician/father that afternoon he merely shrugged and noted that I am "kinda bowlegged".

Mentally, I am convinced that listening to the audiobook really passes the time and keeps me from being too much in my head. My gnat-like attention span doesn't allow for such a prolonged period of a single activity. I listened to 2 hours of the super lame ninja book (that's right I am 31 years old and reading a book about ninjas) in a section in which not much ninja actually happens. Despite that, I can not image running without an audiobook.

You can search the following link for our times etc. (Julio Martinez de Andino, Chris Baker, Dan Sivilli, Kerrie Sivilli, Alienda Lopez) note that its not my mistake on A-lo's name.

13 miles is only 35 days away.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Registration and Head Count

I am now officially signed up for both the 10 miler and 1/2 marathon. I used the thing but didn't sign up for the AZ roadrunners deal. I don't need the shirt and don't do enough organized events to make it pay.

I know we lost G$ and I think Allen, who else is still in?

Sunday, October 16, 2005



Since I haven't seen any recent postings, I was wondering how the rest of the "Tucson 1/2 Marathon Gang" is doing on their training???

Just to give an update of where I am at, today I broke the 8 mile mark for the first time. It was also the first time I tried the so-called energy gels. I ran the 8 miles in 1h25m; that included 4 walking sections of about .1 miles each. Am I way behind everybody else in their mileage or am I right on track?

Back to the energy gels, since it was the first time I tried one I want to give my opinion on them and gather some comments from people who have tried them. The one I tried was the Car-boom gel. This is the one included in the goodie bag for the 8K race. People had already warned me to have plenty of water available, so I did make sure I had plenty left. I took the gel right after the 4 miles turn around point this morning. The first sensation was pretty bad. The consistency of the gel is off something not meant to be ingested, plus the sugar rush in the mouth was not pleasant either. As for results of taking it, I didn't feel any big rush of energy or anything like that. What I can say though is that I felt the same way after finishing the 8 miles this morning as I did when I fisnihed the 10k (6.2 miles) last week during the Old Tucson Studio race. So from that, I guess it did work because I felt the same after 8 miles as I did after 6.2 miles without it. The only discomfort I had was not stomach cramping (which I heard is common), but I did feel some movement either in my stomach and in my intestines that I typically don't have while running. It didn't prevent me from keeping my pace or anythign else like that.

Back to training mileage, how is everybody doing based on the training schedule? Ihave been running less than 10 miles a week because of lack of time, but at least last week I did make 16 miles, and 8 from today should allow me to reach more than 16 during the week (btw, my week starts on Sundays, not Mondays like the training).

Wow, this is my first post ever to a blog... and definitely way too long. I will make sure to keep it shorter next time.


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